Thursday 19 September 2024

Kanoo Energy and Carbon Clean Recognized for Innovation at the SPE International Executive Symposium 2024

Abu Dhabi, UAE, 16 September 2024 – The prestigious SPE International Executive Symposium on “Innovation and Collaboration for Low Carbon Energy Solutions”, held from 16–17 September 2024 at the Abu Dhabi Energy Center, saw Carbon Clean and Kanoo Energy being recognized for their contributions toward advancing sustainable energy technologies.

Adding to the momentous occasion, Abdullatif Kanoo, representing Kanoo Energy, proudly accepted the Certificate of Recognition on behalf of the organization. This acknowledgment highlights Kanoo Energy’s active participation and commitment to fostering collaboration and driving innovation in the energy sector.

As a participant in this significant event, Kanoo Energy reaffirms its dedication to creating innovative solutions and partnerships aimed at supporting the region’s low-carbon transition. Together with Carbon Clean, Kanoo Energy is working to lead the charge in offering sustainable energy technologies that will benefit both the environment and the industry.

The symposium brought together key stakeholders from across the globe, focusing on collaborative efforts to drive low-carbon solutions. Kanoo Energy’s involvement reflects the company’s long-standing dedication to innovation and sustainability in the energy sector.

Raman Marwaha, General Manager of Kanoo Energy, stated: “We are honored to be recognized at such a prestigious event. This recognition serves as a testament to our commitment to driving sustainable energy solutions through strategic collaborations and advanced technologies. We are excited to continue our journey in creating a sustainable future for the region and beyond.”

The Kanoo Group's Health and Safety Team Organizes Successful Medical Campaign


The Kanoo Group's Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) Department recently held a successful medical campaign at our ESNAAD Facility. The event was organized in partnership with OASIS Medical Centre.

The OASIS medical team included:

  • Dr. Jithendar Mohan (General Practitioner)
  • Dr. Nafeesa Ferin (Dentist)
  • Nithin (Eye Specialist)
  • Prince Varghese (OASIS Medical In-charge)
  • Ms. Anu (Nurse)

Dr. Jithendar Mohan shared his thoughts: "It's wonderful to see companies like the Kanoo Group caring for their employees' health. We at OASIS are always eager to support such initiatives because health is crucial in all aspects of life."

The health checkup offered:

  • Blood sugar testing
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Doctor consultation
  • Eye examination
  • Dental checkup

Employee Participation: A total of 76 employees benefited from the medical campaign. Here's a breakdown by division:

  • Kanoo Energy: 19
  • Kanoo Machinery Workshop: 16
  • Parts and Logistics: 12
  • Housekeeping and Security: 7
  • Kan Rent: 7
  • Contractors: 7
  • Kanoo Machinery Sales: 4
  • Property and QHSE: 4

Several managers took part in the campaign, including Victor Thomas, Ameen Sheikh, Sai Gokul, Balasubramanian Munuswamy, Khumar Anwar, & Senthil KL.

Victor Jaurigue, Assistant Manager of the QHSE Department, commented: "This medical campaign demonstrates our commitment to employee well-being. It's fantastic to see so many of our team members taking advantage of these important health checks."

The campaign ran from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at The Kanoo Group ESNAAD location.

By organizing this event, the Kanoo Group has shown its dedication to promoting employee health and creating a positive work environment.

For media inquiries, please contact: Cristina Magallon
Public Relations & Social Media | Communications 
Marketing Department | Tel. +971-4-393 3633 

The Kanoo Group Salutes Emirati Women: Architects of Progress

The Kanoo Group extends warm wishes to every Emirati woman in our organization on the special occasion of Emirati Women's Day, celebrated annually on August 28th. This day honors the female citizens of the UAE and their invaluable contributions to society.

At The Kanoo Group, we take great pride in our strong Emirati culture. To commemorate this special day, we present unique gifts to each Emirati woman in our organization as a token of our appreciation.

We are immensely proud of these remarkable women. Throughout the UAE's development journey, Emirati women have served as inspiring role models, taking on responsibilities and working diligently for their families and communities. We express our admiration for all Emirati women who demonstrate dedication, integrity, and efficiency in their work.

Hand in hand with their male counterparts, Emirati women occupy diverse positions across all sectors, contributing significantly to the UAE's continuous progress and helping to achieve the nation's development ambitions. Their unwavering commitment and hard work play a crucial role in shaping the future of our country.

The Kanoo Group remains committed to supporting and empowering Emirati women, recognizing their vital role in our organization and the broader UAE society. We celebrate their achievements today and every day, as they continue to inspire and lead by example.

For media inquiries, please contact: Cristina Magallon
Public Relations & Social Media | Communications 
Marketing Department | Tel. +971-4-393 3633 

The Rise of Emirati Women: Pioneers of Progress and Inspiration


In the tapestry of the United Arab Emirates' rapid development, Emirati women have emerged as vibrant threads, weaving a story of remarkable progress and global competitiveness. Far beyond mere empowerment, these trailblazers have become beacons of inspiration, significantly contributing to the nation's sustainable future.

    Breaking Barriers and Embracing Challenges

Emirati women have consistently demonstrated their prowess across diverse fields, both domestically and on the international stage. Their journey is marked by:

  • Transforming challenges into steppingstones for achievement
  • Excelling in roles previously dominated by men
  • Creating innovative opportunities in various sectors

    Nurturing the Nation's Future

As the heart of Emirati society, women play a crucial role in shaping the country's destiny:

  • Raising a generation poised to lead the UAE into a promising future
  • Instilling values of perseverance, innovation, and national pride
  • Balancing traditional roles with modern aspirations

    Government Support and Initiatives

The UAE government has been instrumental in fostering an environment where women can thrive:

  • Implementing policies that ensure equal opportunities
  • Providing access to education and professional development
  • Encouraging women's participation in leadership roles

     Corporate Commitment to Women's Empowerment

Organizations like The Kanoo Group have embraced the vision set forth by the UAE's leadership:

  • Developing programs to enhance women's skills and capabilities
  • Creating inclusive work environments that value diverse perspectives
  • Supporting women in becoming ambassadors for their country on global platforms

    Celebrating Achievements on Emirati Women's Day

As the nation commemorates Emirati Women's Day today, it's an opportunity to:

  • Reflect on the progress made and the challenges overcome
  • Recognize the pivotal role of women in the UAE's development
  • Inspire the next generation of Emirati women to dream big and aim high
  • Looking to the Future
  • The continued advancement of Emirati women is crucial for the nation's growth:

    • Fostering innovation and creativity in various sectors
    • Strengthening the UAE's position as a global leader
    • Building a more inclusive and diverse society

    • As we celebrate the achievements of Emirati women, we honor not just their individual successes, but their collective contribution to the nation's progress. Their journey serves as a powerful reminder that with determination, support, and opportunity, there are no limits to what can be achieved.

      Happy Emirati National Day from The Kanoo Group!

  • ===
    For media inquiries, please contact: Cristina Magallon
    Public Relations & Social Media | Communications 
    Marketing Department | Tel. +971-4-393 3633 

Muna Al Mahrouqi Honored with the Women Super Achiever Award—Oman

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Ms. Muna Al Mahrouqi, our esteemed HR & Administration Manager, has received the prestigious Women Super Achiever Award—Oman. On July 24, 2024, a special ceremony at the Crown Plaza Muscat presented this recognition.

The award was part of the Woman of the Year Awards, organized by Apex Media. This event celebrated the achievements of outstanding women across various fields in Oman.

    About Ms. Muna Al Mahrouqi:

  • Over 26 years of experience in HR
  • Joined The Kanoo Group in 2010
  • Expertise in recruitment, employee relations, and benefits administration
  • Known for her professionalism and effective collaboration
  • Skilled at building relationships with staff, management, and external partners

Muna's core values are integrity, trust, love, and empathy. She believes in personal growth while helping others succeed.

"I am deeply honored to receive this award. It reinforces my commitment to fostering a positive work environment and supporting the growth of our team. This recognition belongs not just to me but to all the incredible women in Oman who strive for excellence every day." Muna said.

The Kanoo Group extends its warmest congratulations to Ms. Muna and all the other deserving women who were recognized as "Oman's Woman Leaders 2024" at this event.

We celebrate the diverse achievements of these remarkable women in fields ranging from charity work and culinary arts to finance and entrepreneurship. Their success stories inspire us all and contribute to the progress of our nation.

Once again, congratulations to our Ms. Muna Al Mahrouqi and all the award recipients!

For media inquiries, please contact: Cristina Magallon
Public Relations & Social Media | Communications 
Marketing Department | Tel. +971-4-393 3633 

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