Tuesday 11 June 2024

Mishal Kanoo and other top UAE Business Leader at UAE-China Investment Forum

The UAE-China Business and Investment Forum in Beijing was one of a series of events marking 40 years of diplomatic relations between the UAE and China. It gathered leading private-sector representatives to discuss opportunities in sectors such as finance, manufacturing, and energy.

Mishal Kanoo, Chairman of the prominent The Kanoo Group, attended the forum as a key UAE business delegate. The Kanoo Group is a diversified UAE conglomerate with interests spanning energy and aviation among other industries. Mishal Kanoo's participation highlighted his group's keen interest in exploring growth avenues in China, especially in the energy sector.

The forum facilitated dialogue between private sector leaders from both nations on boosting bilateral trade and investments. China's investments in the UAE surged 16% to $1.3 billion in 2023, constituting 60% of its total investments across Arab countries.

Mishal Kanoo lauded the long-standing UAE-China relationship which was elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2018 under the leadership of the two nations' presidents. He provided this statement:

"We are ushering in a new era of UAE-China relations. This forum opens immense opportunities to advance our economic collaboration, support initiatives such as the Belt and Road, and strengthen joint efforts in vital industries like renewable energy and infrastructure. It is a privilege for The Kanoo Group to be part of such a momentous occasion."

The investment forum underlined the two nations' shared commitment to forging deeper economic integration and diversifying cooperation across strategic sectors.

For media inquiries, please contact: Cristina Magallon
Public Relations & Social Media | Communications 
Marketing Department | Tel. +971-4-393 3633 

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